Donate/Write A Check

We would like to welcome the 4th grade students to Indian Hill School and also welcome back our 5th and 6th graders. This year will be an exciting and fun-filled year for our children.

With your support, we hope to raise a substantial amount of money to benefit and enhance Indian Hill School through many fundraisers.  If you prefer to make a monetary donation, we anticipate raising between $50-$75 per student. Please fill out the form below and return to school in an envelope marked PLG Fundraising with your donation in cash or check (payable to Indian Hill PLG).


On behalf of the PLG, welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! The PLG sponsors both fundraisers  and non-fundraising family fun events throughout the year. We have some wonderful events &  opportunities planned already and are working on more!  

With your support, we hope to raise funds to provide educational enhancements that will benefit  the entire student body at Indian Hill School. Our Executive Board is hard at work planning  fundraisers and events that will be enjoyed by all. We need your support and the best part is it  all goes back to our school!  

We understand that not everyone has time to volunteer or participate in every fundraiser. If you  prefer to make a monetary donation, you can donate conveniently online through PayPal at or you can send a check made payable to “Indian Hill School PLG” and put  “Fundraising Drive” in the memo section. We hope to raise $50-$75 per student. 

CHILD’S NAME___________________________________ GRADE___________  DONATION AMOUNT___________________ EMAIL:______________________ 

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help with any of our activities, please  contact us at [email protected]

We are looking forward to a great year! 

Thank You! 

PLG Fundraising Team