The PSG is committed to ensuring families and students are connected to Satz events and news. We communicate to families via email and our own WRS PSG Facebook page. Below are some tips to ensure you are receiving our communications.
Email Newsletter
All Satz families should receive our PSG email communications. If you haven’t been receiving anything, check to make sure you’ve opt-in to receiving emails via PowerSchool.
Facebook Page
Follow and like our PSG Facebook page here to learn about volunteer opportunities and upcoming events and view pictures/videos from past events.
To prioritize our page on your feed, take the following actions.

- Under the “News Feed” section, select “Favorite” so Facebook will prioritize our content on your feed.
- Under the “Notifications” section, set the following options:
- Posts > Standard
- Video > All Notifications
- Live Video > All Notifications
Thank you for taking the above steps! It always helps to engage with our content on Facebook by liking, commenting, and sharing our content. Facebook’s algorithm will show it to more families’ feeds who haven’t updated their settings.